John Flynn Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

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Classes & Clinic

Exclusive private accommodation

Maternity Physiotherapy Classes & Clinic

Pregnancy can cause various health issues for women from conception to post-delivery. John Flynn Private Hospital has a team of experienced Physiotherapists who are passionate about working with pregnant and postnatal women, providing advice and treatment to ensure a healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy and recovery in the postnatal period.


Private consultations

We have a new outpatient clinic located in the Strand at Coolangatta where we offer private consultations and pregnancy and postnatal exercise classes. As this is a private outpatient clinic you may be eligible to access funding through your Private Health Extras cover.

Pregnancy is a time when you may experience new and unwanted symptoms as your body changes. We can offer management, advice and treatment across a wide range of issues including but not limited to:

  • Back or pelvic pain
  • Weakening of your pelvic floor muscles
  • Incontinence or bladder issues
  • Safe exercise programs
  • Advice on keeping your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles strong

As a result, we strongly encourage every woman to book in for a Physiotherapy consultation at approximately 18-20 weeks gestation.

Click here to book an appointment to our outpatient clinic

Pregnancy and Postnatal Exercise Class

Lead by a Women’s Health Physiotherapist, our exercise classes are fun, interactive and baby friendly, helping both pregnant and postnatal women achieve their goals in a safe and secure environment. 

A Physiotherapist consultation is required prior to attending the exercise classes to provide assessment and screening and to ensure an individualised exercise program. Please call 07 3516 8423 to find out further details about day, time and prices of the exercise classes. 

Inpatient Hospital Consultation

During your stay with us, you will be visited by one of our Women’s Health Physiotherapists. During this consult, they will:

  • Ensure you can comfortably get out of bed and mobilise
  • Discuss some simple pelvic floor and abdominal exercises
  • Advise about safe exercise in the early postnatal period 
  • If required, prescribe abdominal support garments 

6 Week Postnatal Check

We really encourage you to book a Physiotherapy appointment at our outpatient clinic at approximately 6 weeks postnatal. This is an important appointment for post recovery where we will check on your pelvic floor and abdominal stomach muscles, discuss any ongoing bladder issues, or treat any musculoskeletal complaints. At this appointment we will also advise on safe return to exercise. 

The Strand at Coolangatta
Level 3, 72-80 Marine Parade Coolangatta
Phone: 07 3516 8423

Click here to book an appointment to our outpatient clinic