Going Home
Discharge planning is a vital component of your stay at John Flynn Private Hospital.
The anticipated length of stay following the birth of your baby is:
After a vaginal birth without complications – most mothers and babies are discharged after the fourth day to fifth day.
After a caesarean section birth without complications – most mothers and babies are discharged after the fifth to sixth day.
Remember to take your Birth Registration and Family Payment form home with you.
Before discharge, you are invited to fill out the hospital questionnaire and comments card located in the folder in your room.
It is important to remember to contact your health fund to add your new baby onto your private health cover to ensure that they will be covered in future.
If you are concerned about your baby's health in the first few weeks of life please contact your Paediatrician or for after-hours emergencies contact the John Flynn Accident & Emergency Centre on 07 5598 9000.
Discharge time is 9:00am. If discharge is delayed you are welcome to wait in the maternity lounge but your room must be vacated by 10:00am to allow the room to be serviced.
Please ensure that you have a fully fitted child restraint secured in your car before taking your baby home. It is recommended that only an authorised fitting station fit any safety restraint.
Parents Group
For ongoing support, we encourage you to join us on the first Thursday of each at our Parents group. Our aim is to create caring space, where parents can connect and form a supportive network. Plus, our midwives and special monthly speaker will cover a range of educational topics including sleep settling, breast feeding advice and much more.
Who: John Flynn parents and anyone who would like to attend.
When: 9 – 11am, first Thursday of each month.
Where: 1st floor auditorium, main hospital.