John Flynn Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

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Your Stay

Exclusive private accommodation

During your stay

Nursing Care

Our care is aimed at meeting your physical, emotional and educational needs. During the first days of your stay the amount of nursing staff time you require will be greater than that needed towards the end of your stay. The reason for this is that as you become more confident and more independent with managing your baby your nursing requirements will naturally decrease.

The nursing staff will involve you in the clinical handover of your care with the next nurse allocated to care for you. If you wish to have a sleep at this handover time, please advise the nurse caring for you, so that you are not disturbed.

What Can I Expect?

Your hospital stay can be a very busy time. Following is a snapshot of an average morning:

Before 8:00am along with caring for the needs of your new baby, night staff will be entering your room from 6:00am to do observations. Doctor’s rounds commence from 6:30 - 7:30am and then the morning shift nurses will introduce themselves and check your chart. Breakfast is then served.

Physical checks and more observations will follow. Catering staff will clear your breakfast tray. For the safety of catering staff, meal trays are not to be placed on the floor outside of your room. Housekeeping staff will service your room and make your bed. Later they will serve and then clear your morning tea tray and personally take your menu order for the next day using our automated menu system Chefmax.

Registration of Birth Form

Parents must register the birth of their baby within 60 days of delivery. Registrations are to be completed on the Queensland Government Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages website. Family Allowance Claim Forms can also be completed on the Human Services website.