When to contact us
If you have any worries or concerns, please contact the John Flynn Midwives on phone: 07 5598 9040.
If you have medical concerns before you are 20 weeks pregnant, go to the John Flynn Emergency Department if your obstetrician is unavailable - the doctor on call will review you.
If you have medical concerns or if you go into labour after you are 20 weeks pregnant, contact the Maternity Ward before coming into the hospital.
Note: It is very important to contact the Maternity Unit immediately (day or night) if any of the following occur:
- Ruptured membranes or continuous leaking of fluid
- Bright red bleeding
- Regular contractions
- Premature labour i.e. prior to 37 weeks
- Unusual or severe abdominal pain
- Any concerns about baby's movements
When you arrive at John Flynn Private Hospital, please go straight to the Maternity Unit on Level 3 of the main hospital building.
Overnight the doors to the hospital are locked for security purposes and you will need to access the hospital via the Emergency Centre entrance. Parking is available outside the front entrance to the hospital. We ask that the vehicle be moved as soon as possible to avoid obstructing other vehicles.
Parking is available at no cost in close proximity to the hospital entrance.